39 European regions, one goal: better co-ordination of care provision

In the framework of SmartCare, BeyondSilos and CareWell, 39 European regions have committed to improve collaboration across the care spectrum. All three initiatives are now jointly presented on a new website.

Without proper co-ordination, health and social care services are neither as effective nor as efficient as they should be. In the framework of three major European initiatives, health and social care providers, third-sector organisations, patients, professionals and informal carers, reimbursers and decision makers, IT providers and scientists, as well as other stakeholders have joined forces to improve care through better collaboration using state-of-the-art ICT tools.

In the framework of these three initiatives SmartCare, BeyondSilos and CareWell, 39 European regions have committed to improve collaboration across the care spectrum. Older people in 22 of those regions are already receiving, new, joint-up services or will be involved in the next couple of months. Together, the three initiatives represent the major European source for concepts, practical learning and scientific evidence on integrated eCare.

To share what they have learned so far and to continue sharing future lessons with stakeholders across the EU and beyond, the three initiatives have set up a joint website that is available under
